i started the shirt sleev headband trend! SERIOUSLY

Typically i like to be a trend setter.  i consider myself a trend setter even if no one else starts doing what i do.  i figure, "im doing something no one else is doing, so being the only makes me (by default) the first!  a prime example would be a fashion trend that i am taking full credt for that may have come and gone before anyone noticed.  several years ago i decided (i was too broke) to not cut my hair.  it grew out long enough to get some sick ass corn-rows.  anyway, i was painting and doing drywall at the time and i had ot keep it out of my face and eyes.  instead of buing a bandanna or a head band, i simply cut the sleeve off of a short sleev t-shirt and proped my hair back using the stiched end of the sleeve.  The cut end of the sleeve just kinda did its own thing up there so it got along with my hair right away.  because of my high self esteem and healthy self image i decided it was not only functional, but fashionable.  everyone otld me i looked ridiculous but i continued to sport shirt sleeve headbands for some time.  only one person picked up on my sweet idea and he looked like a fucking moron.  never-the-less i looked bad ass and hip.  I finally got tired of the hair and the sleeve and got rid of both.  Soon after i was amazed to see OSU footbal players wearing shirt sleeves in their hair during post game press confrences!  I pointed and i explained to everyone that it was MY IDEA, but no one beleived me.  Damn.  then,more and more people were sporting my idea.  i had invented the craze and decided it was no longer hip before others could catc on!so why am i telling you this?  well, i hope that it lends some insight into my overall personality, but the main reason is because i wanted credit.  Now I don't have a clue who came up with this whole "blog" idea.  (it seams that if you start doing something online that people have done in their analog lives for hundreds of years you get credit for inventing something) but i would not have started this blog ifi wasn't jealous of a friend who started her own before me.  so, in hopes that karma will pay me back and Jim Tressel will see me in a crowd one day and say "holy shitty play calling, Terrell! thats the shirt sleeve headband inventor!"  i am crediting Tara Brewster for being cooler than me (for the first time in her life) and inspiring me to share my ideas with you!  check out the hot mess chronicles
Paris' 2nd Bday c. 2006
c. 2005 

1 comment:

  1. Oh I totally believe you. And I also love how you say, "Gives you some insight into my personality," because knowing that you wear a shirt that you probably pit-stained to hell on your forehead is hella awesome.

    Thanks for the shout-out, and I look forward to all the other narcissistic, self-serving, yet amusing rants you'll be producing. :-)
